Having an event as special as a wedding within a private villa is an absolutely wonderful experience and one Bali Villa Weddings & Events highly recommends.
The sense of privacy, intimacy, and highly attentive personal service you'll experience in a private villa simply cannot be matched by the more public environment of a hotel.
The basic requirements for a legal wedding in Bali are the same for all nationalities however, there is a need for certain compulsory documentation which in many cases needs to be prepared prior to departing from your home country in order for a legal wedding ceremony to proceed.
To avoid any disruption or disappointment with regards to your planned wedding in Bali, it is vital that you receive accurate information related to your own personal situation ie: your individual nationalities and religions, whether you are single, divorced or widowed etc. right from the outset.

Our owning company, Bali Weddings International has specialized in organizing wedding ceremonies, receptions and functions since 1992 and all our wedding consultants are western ladies which ensures smooth communications and a thorough understanding of your needs.
Apart from legal wedding ceremonies, which are available to most nationalities of the world, we are also able to organize a Balinese Blessing Ceremony or Religious Only Ceremony for those couples wishing to renew their vows and a Commitment Ceremony for those couples wishing to have a ceremony and/or celebration in Bali but without any legal or religious implications.
In short, we have the experience and expertise to assist you with whatever ceremony you wish to hold in Bali. Our Bali Wedding And Event Organisers are ready to assist you.
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