



Balinese Dances

Most Balinese dance performances are held in the evenings, however, you can also see some Barong Dance performances in the morning.
If you prefer to watch one of these Balinese dance performances in a hotel after a sumptuous dinner buffet, the OBEROI is recommended because of the beautiful beach front setting. For those who do not wish to have dinner here, there is a US$10/person fee to enjoy the dances; Classical Dance on Tuesdays and Ramayana Dance on Thursdays, starting from 8:30 p.m.
Bali Dance Festival offers daily dance performance during buffet at US$25 per person. The restaurant opens at 7:00pm for dinner and on 8:00pm the performance starts. For further information and booking, please call 703-060.
If you have rented a villa, you can contact our local Service Center at 703-060 to arrange a private Balinese dance performance in your garden at any time convenient for you. 40 to 60 dancers and musicians in beautiful costumes will perform the Balinese dances of your choice and be afterwards available to explain anything you might wish to know.
* Barong Dance: This Balinese dance is about a contest between the opposing forces of chaos and destruction ("Rangda") and order (the "Barong"). Performances in Suwung and Kesiman (suburbs of Denpasar), and in Batubulan daily from 9:00 or 9:30 a.m.; in Banjar Abasan, Singapadu, daily from 9:30 a.m., and at Puri Saren in Ubud, Friday from 6:30 p.m.
* Legong Dance: A highly stylized, extremely difficult dance performed by young girls. Choreographed to the finest details, and no improvisation allowed. Performances at the Peliatan Stage, Friday from 6:30 p.m., at Pura Dalem, Puri Peliatan, Saturday from 6:30 p.m., at Pura Peliatan in Ubud, Sunday from 7:30 p.m., and at Puri Saren, Ubud, Monday from 7:30 p.m.
* Kecak Dance: A ritual dance created in the early 1930's for the movie "Island of the Demons" by the German painter and intellectual Walter Spies who combined the chorus of the "Sanghyang" trance dance with a story from the "Ramayana" legend. Very impressive with its circular chorus of sometimes over 100 bare chested male singers. Performances are held at the Arts Center, Denpasar, daily from 6:30 p.m., and in Banjar Tegal, Ubud, Sunday from 6:00 p.m.
* Fire Dance: The Fire Dance is an exorcist dance against spirit possession. Girls in trance dance barefoot among glowing coals. Performances in Bona Kangin, Gianyar, Friday. Monday and Wednesday from 6:30 p.m. In Bonasari, Gianyar, Friday, Monday and Wednesday from 7:00 p.m., and in Batubulan, daily from 6:30 p.m.
* Ramayana Dance: There are occasional performances of this Balinese dance Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa. This cultural dinner show is available on Tuesdays from 8:00 p.m at Rp. 240,000 + 21% tax and service charges per person.
If you are seriously interested in Balinese dance and music, you should contact the YAYASAN POLOS SENI (Foundation for Pure Art) in Peliatan near Ubud. They offer dance and music lessons at reasonable prices (see under "Balinese Dance & Music Classes" at Popular Bali Activities).

Wayang Kulit, Traditional Drama & Other Performances

* Wayang Kulit: In the Indonesian shadow puppet play, beautifully painted and gilded leather puppets are used although only the shadows are visible to the audience. The stories come from the spirit world and are full of symbolism and myth. A highly skilled puppeteer controls hundreds of puppets, speaks with a different voice for each character, and controls the musicians. Plays go on for several hours. Performances can be seen at Oka Kartini, Tebesaya, Peliatan, Ubud, on Saturdays from 8:00 p.m.
* Balinese Temple Festivals, Drama, Other Performances: See the "Bali Post" daily newspaper and the Friday edition of the English language "Jakarta Post" for details.

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